
Showing posts with the label updates

IFHRMS Pay Slip Download 2024 at

 IFHRMS Pay Slip 2024 or TN Salary Slip 2024 will be released every month by the Department of Treasuries and Accounts of Tamil Nadu on its ePayroll web portal, . This salary slip is available for each and every Employee & Pensioner of Tamil nadu state and they can now download on employee login web application of TN ePayslip website with login credentials. They can also download and print required month wise TN Payslip and Annual Salary statement from Tamil Nadu ePayroll web portal under Tamil Nadu DTA. Tamilnadu Employee pay slip or Tamilnadu Employee Salary slip is an online generated PDF document containing a detailed list about the various components of employee salary along with specific details of employment. It is generated by TN ePayroll Web Portal in the name of Tamil Nadu ePayroll website. TN Employee Pay Slip given to an employee at end of month, which state how much money he or she earned, how much money deducted t...

G.O.Ms.No.59 FINANCE (HRM.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated: 22nd, June, 2023.

 Establishment - LOANS AND ADVANCES - House Building Advance - Recommendation of First Pay Revision Commission - Admissibility in Revised Pay Scales, 2020 - Accepted – Orders - Issued. G.O.Ms.No.37, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 10.04.2015. G.O.Ms.No.8 6 , G e n e r al A dm i n i s tr a t i on (Spl.C)) Department, dated: 18.05.2018. G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 11.06.2021. O R D E R: In the Government Order 3rd read above, based on the recommendations of First Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2020 to the State Government employees. The First Pay Revision Commission inter alia has recommended for enhancement of eligibility ceiling in respect of House Building Advance to the State Government employees, in the Revised Pay Scales, 2020. Government, after careful consideration of the recommendations of the First Pay Revision Commission and in modification of the orders issued in Go...


  GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT The Telangana Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 2018-Contiguous district and zonal cadres organized under Paragraph 3 (5)-Reservation in the matter of direct recruitment - Inter-se ratio among the constituent districts and zones as per Paragraph 8 (4)-Orders-Issued. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SPF.II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.46, Dated:04.04.2022 Read the following: GO. Ms No.124, GA(SPF-MC) Department, dt:30-08-2018 GO. Ms No.128, GA(SPF-1) Department, dt:30-06-2021. GO. Ms No.141 to 22, GA(SPF.1)S(SPF11) Department, dt:04-08-2021. ORDER: 1. Government have approved schemes for organization of local cadres in accordance with the provision...

G.O.Rt.No.1134 FINANCE (HRM.VII) DEPARTMENT Dated: 11th July, 2023.

  GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA G.O.Rt.No.1134, FINANCE (HRM.VII) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 11th July, 2023. ABSTRACT Establishment Health, Medical & Family Welfare - Director of Medical Education - Ratification for the action taken in engaging and continuing five hundred thirty two (532) Senior Resident services on Honorarium basis, for a period up-to 31.3.2023 and Permission for engaging fifteen thousand eight hundred three (15,803) various categories of services, i.e., (4,157) services on contract, (8,853) services on outsourcing and (2,793) services on Honorarium basis, to work under the administrative control of Director of Medical Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, for a further period of one (01) year, i.e., from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 -Accorded-Orders - Issued. Read the following:- 1. G.O.Rt.No.4271, Finance (SMPC) Department, dated: 01.11.2008. 2. G.O.Rt.No.1044, Health, Medical & Family Weflare (A2) Department, dated: 19.2.2016. 3. G.O.Rt.No.324, Heal...

NISHTHA Module 1 - Quiz & Answers || Part - 1

  Question 1: What is the purpose of the Nishtha FLN Mission? Answer: The Nishtha FLN Mission is a teacher training program that aims to improve the quality of education in India. The program focuses on four key areas: curriculum and pedagogy, classroom management, assessment, and inclusive education. Question 2: What are the key components of the Nishtha FLN Mission curriculum? Answer: The Nishtha FLN Mission curriculum includes the following key components: A focus on child-centered learning A focus on active learning and inquiry-based learning A focus on the development of 21st century skills A focus on inclusive education Question 3: What are the different types of assessments that are used in the Nishtha FLN Mission? Answer: The Nishtha FLN Mission uses a variety of assessments, including: Formative assessments, which are used to provide feedback to teachers and students throughout the learning process Summative assessments, which are used to measure student learning at the en...

How to check Confirmed Receipts Count & Amount in CFMS 2023

 This Report gives information of Confirmed Receipts Count & Amount, To be Confirmed Receipts Count & Amount and Total Receipts Count & Amount. On click of hyperlink present in this report it opens “Challan Details” report, and “Challan Status”. On Click on Login in will get the below screen. Enter the User Id and Password and click on Log On. Will get the below screen. On Click on DDO Reports, Will get the below screen. Click on Challan Summary Report (highlighted in red box), Will get the below screen.  Enter From Date, To Date (highlighted in black box), and hit search (highlighted with green arrow) in the above screen. After entering From Date, To Date (highlighted in red box), and hit search (highlighted with green arrow). Then will get the below screen. We can see the Challan Creation Date, Head of Account, DDO Code, DDO Description, Confirmed Receipts Count & Amount, To be Confirmed Receipts Count & Amount, and Total Receipts ...

How to check District-wise PD Balances in AP CFMS

This Report gives the information of District-wise PD Balances for a given HOA. On opening the report it will prompt to Enter HOA, Keydate (highlighted in red box). After entering your required HOA, Keydate (highlighted in red box), Select “OK” (highlighted with green arrow). The report gives information of selected HOA (highlighted in green box) opening balance, Credit, Debit, Closing Balance for Each District. We can find “Filter selection” option on the left side of the report. ‘Currency Scaling’ (highlighted in orange box), ‘Upon select, the report will be rendered as per selection. At the bottom of the table we can see the Total Opening balance, Credit, Debit, Closing balance (highlighted in red box). Optional: If you want to run the report for another HOA value, Keydate. Select User Prompt Input (highlighted with green arrow) in left side pane, Erase old HOA, Keydate and enter new HOA, Keydate (Highlighted in red box) and select Run (highlighted in black box). Report will be rend...

How to check Citizen Bill Status in CFMS 2023

This Report gives information of Overall Bill Status, Gross, Net amount figures, and also gives actions for processing Bills at various stages for a particular DDO. On click of hyperlink present in this report it opens “Bill Type Details” report, and “Bill Status”. On Click on Login in will get the below screen. Enter the User Id and Password and click on Log On. Will get the below screen. On Click on DDO Reports, Will get the below screen.  Click on Bill Summary Report (highlighted in red box), Will get the below screen.  Enter From Date, To Date (highlighted in black box), and hit search (highlighted with green arrow) in the above screen. After entering From Date, To Date (highlighted in red box), {Select Bill Type, Bill sub Type (Optional)}, and hit search (highlighted with green arrow). Then will get the below screen. We can see the Bill Type, Bill Sub Type, DDO Code, DDO Description, Total Bills, Bills Created, and Net Bills On Horizontal scro...

Sell Old Notes & Coins – Complete Process, Prices 2023

यह लेख पुराने नोटों और सिक्कों को बेचने के बारे में एक व्यापक गाइड प्रदान करता है, जिसमें 2023 के लिए पूरी प्रक्रिया और अद्यतन मूल्य शामिल हैं। पूरे लेख को पढ़कर आप सीख सकते हैं कि पुराने नोटों और सिक्कों को बेचकर कुछ अतिरिक्त पैसे कैसे कमाए जा सकते हैं। दीवाली के त्योहार के लिए अपने घर की सफाई करते समय पता चला है। Sell Old Notes & Coins: बहुत से लोग अपने विंटेज आकर्षण के कारण पुराने सिक्कों और नोटों को इकट्ठा करना पसंद करते हैं। जो लोग कई सालों से सिक्के जमा कर रहे हैं, उनके पास अब उन्हें इस्तेमाल करने का विकल्प है। इन सिक्कों को बेचकर वे अच्छा खासा मुनाफा कमा सकते हैं। हाल के दिनों में, विशेष रूप से इतिहास और संस्कृति के प्रति उत्साही लोगों के बीच, पुराने सिक्कों और नोटों के व्यापार में वृद्धि हुई है। व्यक्ति सावधानीपूर्वक प्राचीन और पुरानी वस्तुओं को इकट्ठा करते हैं, ध्यान से साफ करते हैं और उन्हें उन लोगों के लिए प्रदर्शित करते हैं जो उनके मूल्य की सराहना करते हैं। पैसा बनाने के नए रास्ते खोजने में किसे दिलचस्पी नहीं होगी? ऐसा ही एक मौका हमने निकाला है। Complete Process to Sell...

TSPSC GROUP 2 Notification 2023 || Apply Online for 783 Posts || TSPSC GROUP-II నోటిఫికేషన్ 2023 || 783 పోస్టులకు ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోండి || Eligibility || Fee Payment

TSPSC GROUP-2 NOTIFICATION FOR 783 POSTS DETAILS 2023: TSPSC Group-2 Notification Details of Vacancies:   Post Code Name of the Post Multi-Zone/ Zonal No. of Vacancies Age as on 01/07/2022 Min. Max. Scale of Pay Rs.  01 Municipal Commissioner Gr.III in Municipal Administration Department MZ 11 18-44 43,490- 118230  02 Assistant Commercial Tax Officer in Commissioner of State Taxes Department Zonal  59 18-44      42300- 115270  03 Naib Tahsildar in Land Administration Department Zonal 98 18-44 42300- 115270  04 Sub-Registrar Grade-II in Registration and Stamps Department Zonal 14 18-44 42300- 115270   05 Assistant Registrar under the control of Commissioner for Co-operation & Registrar of Co-Operative Societies MZ 63 18-44 43490- 118230   06 Assistant Labour Officer in Commissioner of Labour Department Zonal 09 18-44 42300- 115270 ...