12 Harsh Truths of Starting a Blog in 2022
I t's an amazing feeling to start a blog it's an opportunity to express yourself and expand in ways you never know you could and just like starting a business a lot of effort is required. You don't become successful in blogging by accident, you need to put a lot of intention and work even when you feel like quitting actually, especially when you feel like quitting. Here are 12 harsh truths you'll learn in your first year of blogging, please take these truths with a grain of salt i say this with love: No one cares about you, no one knows who you are and i say this with love you're entering a sea of bloggers in a world where no one knows you, you need to make yourself stand out from others by asking yourself what am i good at, what kind of advice do people go to me, for what am i passionate about what can i go hours on end talking about. This is an opportunity to create your voice based on your strengths, what you're naturally interested in and use that to help p...