
Showing posts from August, 2023

G.O.Ms.No.59 FINANCE (HRM.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated: 22nd, June, 2023.

 Establishment - LOANS AND ADVANCES - House Building Advance - Recommendation of First Pay Revision Commission - Admissibility in Revised Pay Scales, 2020 - Accepted – Orders - Issued. G.O.Ms.No.37, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 10.04.2015. G.O.Ms.No.8 6 , G e n e r al A dm i n i s tr a t i on (Spl.C)) Department, dated: 18.05.2018. G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 11.06.2021. O R D E R: In the Government Order 3rd read above, based on the recommendations of First Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2020 to the State Government employees. The First Pay Revision Commission inter alia has recommended for enhancement of eligibility ceiling in respect of House Building Advance to the State Government employees, in the Revised Pay Scales, 2020. Government, after careful consideration of the recommendations of the First Pay Revision Commission and in modification of the orders issued in Go...


  GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA ABSTRACT The Telangana Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 2018-Contiguous district and zonal cadres organized under Paragraph 3 (5)-Reservation in the matter of direct recruitment - Inter-se ratio among the constituent districts and zones as per Paragraph 8 (4)-Orders-Issued. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION (SPF.II) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.46, Dated:04.04.2022 Read the following: GO. Ms No.124, GA(SPF-MC) Department, dt:30-08-2018 GO. Ms No.128, GA(SPF-1) Department, dt:30-06-2021. GO. Ms No.141 to 22, GA(SPF.1)S(SPF11) Department, dt:04-08-2021. ORDER: 1. Government have approved schemes for organization of local cadres in accordance with the provision...

G.O.Rt.No.1134 FINANCE (HRM.VII) DEPARTMENT Dated: 11th July, 2023.

  GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA G.O.Rt.No.1134, FINANCE (HRM.VII) DEPARTMENT, Dated: 11th July, 2023. ABSTRACT Establishment Health, Medical & Family Welfare - Director of Medical Education - Ratification for the action taken in engaging and continuing five hundred thirty two (532) Senior Resident services on Honorarium basis, for a period up-to 31.3.2023 and Permission for engaging fifteen thousand eight hundred three (15,803) various categories of services, i.e., (4,157) services on contract, (8,853) services on outsourcing and (2,793) services on Honorarium basis, to work under the administrative control of Director of Medical Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, for a further period of one (01) year, i.e., from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 -Accorded-Orders - Issued. Read the following:- 1. G.O.Rt.No.4271, Finance (SMPC) Department, dated: 01.11.2008. 2. G.O.Rt.No.1044, Health, Medical & Family Weflare (A2) Department, dated: 19.2.2016. 3. G.O.Rt.No.324, Heal...